1. Functions as Guard Clauses
We cannot make use of the functions as guard clauses in Elixir.
It means, when
cannot accept functions that returns Boolean
values as conditions. Consider the
following lines of code…
defmodule Hello do
def hello(name,age) when is_kid(age) do
IO.puts "Hello Kid #{name}"
def hello(name,age) when is_adult(age) do
IO.puts "Hello Mister #{name}"
def is_kid age do
age < 12
def is_adult age do
age > 18
Here, we defined a module Hello
and a function hello
that takes two parameters
of name
and age.
So, based on age
I am trying ` IO.puts` accordingly . If you do
so you will get an error saying…
Function as Guard Error
** (CompileError) hello.ex:2:
cannot invoke
local is_kid/1
inside guard
This is because when
cannot accept functions as guards
. We need to
convert them to macros
lets do that…
defmodule MyGuards do
defmacro is_kid age do
quote do: unquote(age) < 12
defmacro is_adult age do
quote do: unquote(age) > 18
# order of module matters .....
defmodule Hello do
import MyGuards
def hello(name,age) when is_kid(age) do
IO.puts "Hello Kid #{name}"
def hello(name,age) when is_adult(age) do
IO.puts "Hello Mister #{name}"
def hello(name,age) do
IO.puts "Hello Youth #{name}"
In the above lines of code, we wrapped all our guards inside a module MyGuards
and make sure the module is top of the module Hello
. So, the macros first gets compiled.
Now compile and execute you will see the following output…
iex> Hello.hello "blackode",21
Hello Mister blackode
iex> Hello.hello "blackode",11
Hello Kid blackode
Starting on Elixir v1.6
, you can use defguard/1.
The defguard
is also a macro.
You can also create private guards
`defguardp`. Hope, you got the point here.
Consider the following example;
Suppose, you want to check the given number is either three or five, you can define the guard like following.
defmodule Number.Guards do
defguard is_three_or_five(number) when (number===3) or (number===5)
import Number.Guards #importing custom defined guards
defmodule Hello do
def check_favourite_number(num) when is_three_or_five(num) do
IO.puts "The given #{num} is one of my favourite numbers"
def check_favourite_number(num) do
IO.puts "Not my favourite number"
You can also use them inside your code logic as they results boolean
iex> import Number.Guards
iex> is_three_or_five(5)
iex> is_three_or_five(3)
iex> is_three_or_five(1)
2. Finding the presence of Sub-String
Using =~
operator we can find whether the right sub-string present
in left string or not. In much simpler, it checks whether the right
operand is a substring of left operand.
iex> "blackode" =~ "kode"
iex> "blackode" =~ "medium"
iex> "blackode" =~ ""
3. Finding whether Module is loaded or not
Sometimes, we have to make sure that certain module is loaded before making a call to the function. We are supposed to ensure the module loaded.
Code.ensure_loaded? <Module>
iex> Code.ensure_loaded? :kernel
iex> Code.ensure_loaded :kernel
{:module, :kernel}
Similarly we are having ensure_compile
to check whether the module is
compiled or not.
- Binary to Capital Atom
provides a special syntax which is usually used for module names.
A module name is an uppercase ASCII
letter followed by
any number of lowercase or uppercase
This identifier is equivalent to an atom
prefixed by Elixir. So, in the
defmodule Blackode
example Blackode
is equivalent to :"Elixir.Blackode"
When we use String.to_atom "Blackode"
it converts it into :Blackode
But actually we need something like from “Blackode”
to Blackode
To do that we need to use Module.concat/2
iex(2)> String.to_atom "Blackode"
iex(3)> Module.concat Elixir,"Blackode"
In Command line applications whatever you pass they convert it into binary. So, again you suppose to do some casting operations.
5. Pattern match [ vs ]destructure.
We all know that =
does the pattern match for left and right sides.
We cannot do [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
this raise a MatchError
iex(11)> [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: [1, 2, 3, 4]
We can use destructure/2
to do the job.
iex> destructure([a, b, c], [1, 2, 3, 4])
[1, 2, 3]
iex> {a,b,c}
{1, 2, 3}
If the left side is having more entries than in right side, it assigns
the nil
value for remaining entries.
iex> destructure([a, b, c], [1])
iex> {a, b, c}
{1, nil, nil}
6. Data decoration [ inspect with :label ] option
We can decorate our output with inspect
and label
option. The string of
label is added at the beginning of the data we are inspecting.
iex(1)> IO.inspect [1,2,3],label: "the list "
the list : [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
If you closely observe this it again returns the inspected data. So, we
can use them as intermediate results in |>
pipe operations like following;
[1, 2, 3]
|> IO.inspect(label: "before change")
|> Enum.map(&(&1 * 2))
|> IO.inspect(label: "after change")
|> length
You will see the following output;
before change: [1, 2, 3]
after change: [2, 4, 6]
7. Anonymous functions to pipe
We can pass the anonymous functions in two ways. One is directly using
like following;
|> length
|> (&(&1*&1)).()
This is the most weirdest approach. How ever, we can use the reference of the anonymous function by giving its name.
square = & &1 * &1
|> length
|> square.()
The above style is much better than previous . You can also use fn to define anonymous functions.
8. Retrieve Character Integer Codepoints — ?
We can use ?
operator to retrieve character integer codepoints.
iex> ?a
iex> ?#
The next two tips are mostly useful for beginners.
9. Subtraction over Lists
We can perform the subtraction over lists for removing the elements in list.
iex> [1,2,3,4.5]--[1,2]
[3, 4.5]
iex> [1,2,3,4.5,1]--[1]
[2, 3, 4.5, 1]
iex> [1,2,3,4.5,1]--[1,1]
[2, 3, 4.5]
iex> [1,2,3,4.5]--[6]
[1, 2, 3, 4.5]
We can also perform same operations on char lists too.
iex> 'blackode'--'ode'
iex> 'blackode'--'z'
If the element to subtract is not present in the list then it simply returns the list.
10. Using Previous results in IEx
When you are working with iex
environment, you can see a number
increment every time you evaluate an expression in the shell like iex(2)> iex(3)>
Those numbers helps us to reuse the result with v/1
function loaded by default..
iex(1)> list = [1,2,3,4,5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
iex(2)> double_lsit = Enum.map(list, &(&1*2))
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
iex(3)> v 1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
iex(4)> v(1) ++ v(2)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
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